Levels of Healing Certification & Student Residency
Categories of Certification
Beginner Level - Practitioner Certification
- Completing only Levels 1 and 2 of all three tracks, Physical Healing, Emotional/Inner Healing and Deliverance
- A total of 6 courses.
- No residency required.
- Residency Registration Cost: $0
Intermediate Level - Specialist Practitioner Certification
- Building on the practitioner certification level, you would specialize in one specific track and complete all four levels of that track.
- A total of 8 courses.
- Residency required.
- Residency Registration Cost: $200
Advanced Level - Master Equipper Certification
- Completing all levels of all three tracks, Physical Healing, Emotional/Inner Healing and Deliverance.
- A total of 12 courses.
- Combined residency required.
- Residency Registration Cost: $300
Although the Christian Healing Certification Program (CHCP) is currently non-accredited, we are in the process of seeking accreditation by at least one Christian association. CHCP is currently certified by an independent board of certification. This board is comprised of doctorates from the communities of medicine, theological education, secular education and psychology.
Residency Program
The Specialist Practitioner & the Master Equipper certifications require a residency program to be completed before your certificate is awarded. These residencies can be done easily from your home base with the long distance support of a Global mentor via email, phone and Skype.
Specialist Practitioner Residency
The Specialist Residency will require a four month period after the completion of one track that focuses on:
- The student writing a training manual that integrates the disciplines of the completed track; Students will need to use at least 3 sources from the classes and 3 outside sources, their manual cannot have more than 25% of Scripture blocks or book quotes. Another 25% can be personal examples of prayer and testimonies. Your assigned mentor will help in the compilation of this manual.
- Teaching sessions to identify, train and deploy a team of prayer ministers in their context of ministry. These teaching sessions will need to be recorded on video and uploaded to a designated website for the mentor.
- Read an assigned book in the specified track and submit a five page reflection paper.
A mentor will be assigned to walk beside you through this process and offer additional support. The Residency Mentors will be facilitators from completed level 4 courses. Students will be required to arrange monthly meetings with their mentor to discuss their progress in the residency. Students who complete all four levels and the residency will receive a Certificate of Certification from Global Awakening. When possible, coordination with a leader or mentor in the local context is encouraged to offer additional support. It will be the student's responsibility to identify and relate to the local context mentor. Cost of the individual Residency is $200.00.
Master Equipper Residency
The Master Equipper Residency will require a six month period after the completion of all three tracks that focuses on:
- The student writing a training manual that integrates the disciplines of the completed tracks (Physical Healing, Inner Healing and Deliverance); Students will need to use at least 3 sources from the classes and 3 outside sources, their manual cannot have more than 25% of Scripture blocks or book quotes. Another 25% can be personal examples of prayer and testimonies. Your assigned mentor will help in the compilation of this manual.
- Teaching sessions to identify, train and deploy a team of prayer ministers in their context of ministry. These teaching sessions will need to be recorded on video and uploaded to a designated website for the mentor.
- Read an assigned book in each discipline related to their track and submit a five page reflection paper.
A mentor will be assigned to walk beside you through this process and offer additional support. The Residency Mentors will be facilitators from completed level 4 courses. Students will be required to arrange monthly meetings with their mentor to discuss their progress in the residency. Students who complete all four levels of each track and the residency will receive a Certificate of Certification from Global Awakening. When possible, coordination with a leader or mentor in the local context is encouraged to offer additional support. It will be the student's responsibility to identify and relate to the local context mentor. Cost of the individual Residency is $300.00.