
Course Developers & Instructors


Physical Healing | Emotional Healing | Deliverance

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Physical Healing

Clark Randy

Course Developer: Dr. Randy Clark

Dr. Randy Clark, an international speaker, was used of God to birth the revival that broke out in Toronto Canada in January 1994 that continued six nights a week for over twelve years. He is best known for the gift on his life for activating and imparting gifts of the Holy Spirit. The late John Wimber, was the first to recognize this grace on Randy’s life. John heard the audible voice of God tell him twice that Randy would one day travel the world laying hands on pastors and leaders to activate and impart to them gifts of the Spirit. Randy also continues to demonstrate the Lord’s power to heal the sick with great tenacity. While having been used to launch several famous ministers into the new level of their anointing by laying hands on them and prophesying to them, the focus of his ministry is on the average person in the congregation encouraging them that they too can be used of God in the gifts of the Spirit., especially words of knowledge and healing. His message is simple: “God wants to use you.”

Director, Higher Education and Certification
President, Christian Healing Certification Program
Course Developer, Physical Healing Track, Christian Healing Certification Program
Founder, Global Awakening

United Theological Seminary, Doctor of Ministry
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Masters of Divinity
Oakland City University, Bachelors Degree in Religious Studies

Selected Publications:

Clark R. There is More. (Required reading for course of same name at United Theological Seminary.)
Clark R and Johnson B. The Essential Guide to Healing. (Required reading for additional course at United Theological Seminary.)
Clark R and Johnson B. Healing Unplugged
Clark R. Ministry Team Training Manual


Physical Healing Instructors:


Burgher RexRex Burgher

In May of 1995 Rex, and his wife Lois, were both powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit in a renewal meeting associated with the revival in Toronto. Returning to the church they attended the Holy Spirit exploded causing the church to host weekly renewal meetings where thousands of people were impacted by the love of God. In the next few years they were instrumental in planting two churches when in 1999 they were given the opportunity to travel to Argentina and Brazil with Randy Clark. After the trip, while in Redding, CA., Randy asked Rex to come and travel alongside of him. After traveling with Randy for a year they sold their farm and construction business and moved to St. Louis to work full time with Randy. Randy has said, "During the time (3 years) Rex traveled with me I experienced some of the most powerful meetings in my life. He was with me when I met some of the most powerful ministers in the world. This was a golden time in my itinerant ministry that began in 1994." Rex and Lois travel the world speaking at meetings bringing a strong prophetic message, direction and order to this present move of God as well as an impartation of the Fire of Revival.
Rex has authored two books, 'Our Father's Heartbeat', 'Journey to Your Kingdom Destiny', and has co-authored a book with Lois, 'When the Fire Falls'.


Ed EvansEd Evans

Ed Evans is the Senior Pastor of Salisbury Vineyard Church (UK). He and his wife Clare planted it a year after graduating from college. They have a heart for seeing the Kingdom of God advanced through ordinary people living extra-ordinary lives. Under their leadership Salisbury Vineyard is a community of believers who are pursuing the Presence of God and seeking to embody the good news of Jesus to others. They have a passion for activating people in the supernatural, seeing it become part of their every day living and encouraging them to step into the fullness of their identity as children of God. Ed has completed CHCP and is recognized as a Master Equipper. He is also a life coach. He has traveled with Global to India and also leads ministry teams from Salisbury Vineyard on missions in Kenya.


Rev. Dr. Jenna Goggins

Jenna felt the call of God into ministry at the early age of 14. She has been an ordained pastor for over 20 years, and has served in both several thousand member churches as well as small country churches. Jenna is strongly ecumenical, and she finds great joy in working with leaders from a variety of backgrounds and faith traditions. Her connection with Global Awakening began over a dozen years ago when she was powerfully touched by the Lord during one of their conferences. Jenna is a certified spiritual director and she loves listening with others for the voice of the Holy Spirit. She radiates the joy of the Lord and brings a ministry of encouragement to the body of Christ as she passionately preaches the Word and ministers physical and emotional healing as well as deliverance. Jenna attended Grove City College and she holds a Masters of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. In 2013 she completed her Doctorate of Ministry with the inaugural group of Randy Clark Scholars through United Theological Seminary. Jenna is passionate about equipping, mentoring and coaching leaders in both the church and the marketplace, and she loves to travel the nations for missions, ministry and prophetic intercession.


Dr. Tom Liteer

Dr. Tom Litteer has pastored churches in California, Oklahoma, and New Jersey. After a powerful encounter with the love of Jesus in 2005, he began to pursue healing ministry and to teach his church a new perspective on the Kingdom of God that resulted in salvations, healings and deliverances. He attended Global Conferences beginning April 2005, has gone to Brazil with Global seven times and has traveled to several different countries to proclaim the message of the full gospel. In 2014, he retired from his church Living Waters Fellowship in Newton, NJ and moved to his home state of Oklahoma where he continues to preach on occasion and to pray for the sick. He works for Global Awakening as Assistant Dean and Professor in the Global Awakening Theological Seminary and teaches Physical Healing 2 for the Christian Healing Certification Program. Dr. Litteer also serves as a Faculty Mentor for Randy Clark Scholars at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio in the Doctor of Ministry program. He has degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA (Master's of Divinity--1979 and Doctor of Ministry--1990) and United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH (Doctor of Ministry--2013).


Miller MichaelDr. Michael Miller

Dr Miller is the Senior Pastor at New Covenant Fellowship in Penfield, New York, a church where physical healings have become normal occurrences. Over the years, Michael has ministered in Mexico, Canada, Haiti, Kenya, and Brazil. Michael and Christina have been married for 30 years and have one beautiful daughter-in-law, one grandson, two godly sons and two brilliant daughters. Dr. Miller’s passion is to see people flourish under God’s grace, peace and power. Michael received his bachelor’s from Ottawa University, master’s from Grand Canyon University and his doctorate from United Theological Seminary.



Sheila SizemoreSheila Sizemore

Sheila and her husband, Keith, currently serve as the Team Leaders of the Ministerial Branch at Christ Temple Church, a large non-denominational church in Huntington, WV. They facilitate prayer ministry teams and apply the principles and guidelines within the CHCP program to their local church. Sheila has traveled to Africa and ministered both as a nurse at medical clinics and as a speaker at pastor’s conferences in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. She was instrumental in assisting her church with the establishment of a thriving medical/surgical clinic in the Gwembe Valley, Zambia. Keith and Sheila are also Global Awakening partners and the founders of Miraculous Ministries, established to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and to equip the saints for practical ministry and to impart to others. Sheila’s healing gift was activated after receiving her first impartation from Dr. Randy Clark in Dayton, Ohio. She is a member Global Awakening’s Christian Healing Certification Program Association of Ministers and earned the Practitioner Certification from CHCP.


 Krista Wendle

Krista recently moved to the Washington DC area after living in Nairobi, Kenya for the past six years with her husband and three children. She was part of different service and pastoral care leadership roles at her church in Kenya, and has a pastoral heart everywhere she goes. Prior to her time there, Krista and her husband were co-pastors leading a campus church in Pennsylvania. Krista has traveled and lived all over the world, having worked for Iris Ministries both in Mozambique and as a pastoral care member and administrator abroad; on staff and as a student with TACF (now Catch the Fire Toronto); and on and off for Global Awakening in administration, as well as a joint assignment for Global and Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. She has her BA and Masters from Christian Leadership University in Missions and Christian Leadership, and lives to see the love of Father God transform the lives of those around her, whether that's in Africa, North America, or any other place in the world!

Williams BenBenjamin Williams

Benjamin worked for Global Awakening as the administrator for Global Summer Intensive, Global School of Supernatural Ministry online and satellite schools. He and his wife, Micah Joy are currently the lead pastors for The Church at New Bern, NC. Benjamin has 8 years of ministry school experience including earning a bachelor’s degree in evangelism from North Central University and completed Master’s Commission and Global School of Supernatural Ministry. He has been a staff pastor and full time itinerant. Benjamin has authored two books entitled, The Basics in 21 Days and Robbing Hell. The fruit of his passion has let over 50,000 people to Christ and has seen thousands healed of various problems. He regularly travels to train on evangelism and can be contacted through www.releasinglife.org. Ben is currently pursuing an MDiv in Ministry Concentration.


Emotional Healing

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Williams Micah

Course Developer: Micah Joy Williams

Micah Joy Williams has a passion to see the supernatural released into everyday life, as well as see others take up that pursuit. She and her husband, Benjamin, pastor Convergence Center in Harrisburg, PA and travel as itinerant ministers releasing the Kingdom of God in every area of people's lives. Micah was on staff at Global Awakening from 2007 to 2014 as the Administrator of GSSM Onsite, and as an instructor with CHCP since 2012. She developed the Inner Healing Track of CHCP in 2013. Micah has a bachelor's degree in church music and is a certified instructor of Elijah House materials. She is also an experienced worship leader and songwriter. Her first CD "I Belong to You" is an expression of her journey into knowing "Whose" she is. Micah's desire is to stir up that knowing in every heart that she encounters.

Title(s):Course Developer (2013) & Instructor (since 2012), Inner Healing Track, Christian Healing Certification Program
Vice President,
Life Ministries International (since 2004)
Administrator, On-site Program, Global School of Supernatural Ministry (since 2007)
Co-Pastor, Convergence Center (since 2012)
Facilitator, Basic 1, Elijah House
Wife of Benjamin (since 2002)
Mom of Zoe Joy Delight (since 2008)
Mom of Sadie Promise (since 2014)

Bachelor of Science in Church Music, North Central University
Partially completed MDiv, Global Awakening Theological Seminary

Publications:The Basics in 21 Days. 2008. Benjamin & Micah Williams
I Belong to You (Album of original music). 2012. Micah Williams
Christ the Wonderful Counselor. 2016. Micah Joy Williams 



Emotional Healing Instructors


Allen SuzyDr. Suzy Allen

Suzy is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in Massachusetts. She specializes in working with children and families experiencing attachment issues related to trauma. She has additionally studied and practiced several different forms of prayer ministry. She received her bachelors in psychology from the University of Kansas and her masters and Ph.D. from the University of Memphis. Suzy loves missions and mission trips and seeing God touch individuals powerfully with His love, presence, healing and deliverance. She is currently a student with Randy Clark and Tom Jones earning a doctorate of Ministry from United Theological Seminary. She and her husband have just begun a house church that is seeking the presence of the Lord as wholeheartedly and unhindered as possible. She loves worship and entering into and staying in Jesus' presence.



Ryan BenrothRyan Benroth

Ryan is a graduate of the Christian Healing Certification Program and was awarded his Master Equipper Certification in 2015. In the midst of taking CHCP courses, he founded Healing Well Ministry with the passion of giving people a supernatural experience of healing to body, soul, and spirit through the power of Jesus Christ. He loves to witness the joy and transformation that comes out of people as they are healed, set free, and able to step into all that God has for their life. In addition to his education through CHCP, Ryan also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and a Master's Degree in Education. Ryan is also an experienced worship leader and is currently serving in that role at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Columbus Grove, Ohio.




Rose MoynierRose Moynier

Rose is the founder of Unstoppable Love, a ministry focused on Christian coaching principles, whose passion is to teach, train, equip, and help people discover who they are; to know their purpose and understand how they are uniquely designed. An ordained minister, she has been commissioned as a prophet and has served in leadership of local churches and global ministries for more than 30 years. Rose is a Certified Practitioner through CHCP, certified through CPCP, and is nearing her goal of becoming a Master Equipper. Rose is also a certified Life Coach through Lifeforming Leadership Coaching with Dr. Joseph Umidi. More than anything, Rose loves Jesus and her heart’s desire is to share the Love that Papa God has for His beloved ones.



Barb OlsonBarb Olson

Barb is a 2009 graduate of Global School of Supernatural Ministry [GSSM]. During her second year at GSSM, she focussed on inner healing and deliverance training, while also attending Wellspring Ministries 2-week training on their model of inner healing in Anchorage, Alaska. From 2010-2015, Barb lived in Durban, South Africa, where she was Assistant Director of the GSSM-South Africa alongside her husband, Phill, who was Director. During that time she taught many of the subjects in the school, including an overview of various models of inner healing for first year students and facilitated the Bethel Sozo training with second year students. She has ministered in Zimbabwe and various parts of South Africa, and been on short term trips to Mozambique, Brazil, Tanzania and Russia. Prior to attending GSSM-USA, Barb was an elementary school teacher. She has a Bachelors in French language from Bowdoin College [1976] and a Master of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education from Rhode Island College [1993]. She currently lives in Mechanicsburg, PA, where she is involved in the ConnectUp ministry ñ Global’s current on-site inner healing ministry. Her passion is teaching, mentoring and seeing people set free through the ministry of inner healing and deliverance.



Williams MicahMicah Joy Williams

Benjamin and Micah Joy Williams come from a over a decade of ministry on church staffs and traveling full time. They are the proud parents of two daughters. The Williams have Bachelors Degrees from North Central University, Micah in Church Music and Benjamin in Evangelism. Benjamin has also completed a combined four years of practical ministry training from Masterís Commission and Global School of Supernatural Ministry. They have founded a traveling ministry, Life Ministries International. Micah, as a gifted musician and song writer, has led worship in a variety of venues and recently released a CD entitled, ìI Belong to You.î Together they have written a book entitled The Basics In 21 Days which has been used by dozens of people to know God more deeply in many different setting around the world. Their lives have been changed by the reality of a loving and powerful God.






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Arlin Epperson

Course Developer: Dr. Arlin Epperson

Dr. Epperson began ministering deliverance and inner healing in 1978. He has taught many seminars in North America. His teachings can be viewed at www.healingofthespirit.org. God has also called him to teach deliverance to pastors in Africa where he has taught seminars to over 10,000 pastors in over 40 cities in Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi and Botswana. He is a member of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers.

Vocationally, Arlin has an earned doctorate and has been professionally employed for the past 20 years as a professor of business, and Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies at Columbia College, a private liberal arts college in Columbia, MO affiliated with the Church of Christ. In 2000, Arlin began an online program for the college that now provides courses for over 80,000 enrollments per year.

Co-Director, Higher Education and Certification
Co-Course Developer, Deliverance Track, Christian Healing Certification Program

University of Missouri, Counseling Psychology, Masters Candidate
Indiana University, Re.D Public and Community Services Management
Indiana University, M.S. Public and Community Services Management

Selected Publications:Epperson A. Leisure Counseling. 1977.
Epperson A. Christian Leisure. 1983.
Epperson A and others. Family Leisure: A Review of the Literature with Research Recommendations. Journal of Leisure Research 1984.

Rodney Hogue

Dr. Rodney Hogue

Dr. Rodney Hogue has been the senior pastor of Community of Grace since the summer of 1990. He has been active in the gospel ministry since the mid 1970's when he first got involved in youth & college ministries. He was the pastor of churches in Washington State for over eight years prior to coming to Community of Grace.

As evidenced in the programs offered in the church, Pastor Rodney is committed to the restoration of the saints into wholeness in Christ. His greatest joy is to see a destiny altered and a life changed by the power of God. Dr. Rodney, his wife Mary, and their three sons reside in Castro Valley.

Co-Director, Higher Education and Certification
Co-Course Developer & Instructor, Deliverance Track, Christian Healing Certification Program
Senior Pastor, Community of Grace (since 1990)

Education:Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Masters of Divinity, Doctoral candidate

Selected Publications:Hogue R. Forgiveness. 2008.
Hogue R Declarations and Prayers.
Liberated: Set Free and Staying Free from Demonic Strongholds, 2019. 

Deliverance Instructors:


Burgher LoisLois Burgher

Lois and her husband Rex were powerfully impacted by the move of God that began in Toronto in 1994. After helping to plant two churches in MT they began traveling with Global Awakening and assisting Randy Clark for 3 years, ministering in many nations as Lois worked as Randy's travel coordinator and personal assistant in the Global office. Lois and her husband have been involved in the ministry for Global and their own Kingdom Life Ministry for 18 years spreading the fire of revival through impartation and teaching on healing, deliverance and the Father's love though out the and internationally. Lois has been teaching and ministering in deliverance since being trained at a conference in Florence, Kentucky in 1998 by Pablo Botari and other Argentine Pastors. Lois is forever "ruined" for experiencing His presence and remains in His love. Lois has been ordained as a minister through Global Awakening and Life Center Ministries International for over eight years.


Gross LaurieLaurie Gross

Laurie Gross is a graduate of the Christian Healing Certification Program, having obtained her Master Equipper Certification in 2013. She is on the leadership team at New Life Fellowship in Leslie, Arkansas, where she established the Freedom Prayer Ministry in 2005-6. In addition to leading that team, her goal has been to equip people to minister compassionate deliverance and healing discipleship. She accompanied a Global Awakening mission team to Brazil and attended Global Summer Intensive in 2011. In 2013 she spent the month of March training Philippine pastors and Bible school students in the Ten Step Deliverance Method, and returned to Mindanao in 2014 to train ministry leaders in Physical Healing Prayer and equip outreach teams for ministry to remote mountain villages. Laurie is currently writing several books to help accomplish her great desire to see God’s people healed from the bondages of the past and released into their God-ordained destiny.


Ryan BenrothRyan Benroth

Ryan is a graduate of the Christian Healing Certification Program and was awarded his Master Equipper Certification in 2015. In the midst of taking CHCP courses, he founded Healing Well Ministry with the passion of giving people a supernatural experience of healing to body, soul, and spirit through the power of Jesus Christ. He loves to witness the joy and transformation that comes out of people as they are healed, set free, and able to step into all that God has for their life. In addition to his education through CHCP, Ryan also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and a Master's Degree in Education. Ryan is also an experienced worship leader and is currently serving in that role at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Columbus Grove, Ohio.


Mark KriegMark Krieg

Mark serves as a pastor at Christ Community Church in Camp Hill, PA. He and his wife Carole were powerfully impacted by the teachings of John Wimber, Randy Clark, and the outpouring of God's presence in Toronto. Mark has traveled twice with Global teams to Brazil.



Rodney HogueDr. Rodney Hogue

Dr. Rodney Hogue has been in full time ministry since 1977. He pastored over 32 years on the west coast in Washington state and California, his last being 23 years at Community of Grace in Hayward, California. Rodney began to minister in the areas of deliverance and healing in the 1980ís while pastoring in churches in Washington state. His passion is to equip believers to minister in power for healing, deliverance, and to see the restoration of lives to fulfill oneís destiny. Rodney now ministers itinerantly equipping believers nationally and internationally to walk out their identity and expand Godís Kingdom which includes demonstrating the Kingdom of God with power. He and Mary reside near Abilene, Texas.

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