
The First Time I Was Healed

illustrated example of a pinched back nerve The first time I was miraculously healed was after a terrible car accident at the age of eighteen. I was driving the car when it happened, and it was to be an accident that would take a life and change one — mine — forever.

While I was driving with three friends, two that were my best friends, a car was passing, lost control, and slid into the side of my vehicle, knocking my car off the road. I don’t remember much from the accident itself, but I was told my car went about 50 feet before hitting a concrete embankment, then flipped end-over-end, hit a pole, and landed in a ditch. My good friend was killed in the accident, his sister was severely injured, and the other had minor injuries. I, myself, was badly hurt. I would need sixty stiches in my face from lacerations. I had crushed facial bones, broken ribs, and a paralyzed digestive tract.

I also had nerve damage from compressed discs in my spine. The report to my family was that I would be in the hospital from seven to eleven weeks. Just before I was to be transferred to another hospital to better deal with my injuries, a group of people came from my church to pray for me. Tests then revealed that my digestive tract was no longer paralyzed! That same day, a doctor came to set my jaw, which had been broken in the crash. When he went to set it, however, it was no longer broken, but already healed. A short time later all of the pain left my spine. The pain had been so bad I was taking injections of 50 mg of Demerol, a morphine derivative every three hours. I had been told not to move or I could become paralyzed, but I was trusting in what God was doing. On about the twelfth to fifteenth day I had a strong impression from God that I was healed and I was to get out of bed. I got out of bed and stood up. The nurses were very upset. I was not even allowed to have a pillow. I was not to move my spine, I definitely was not supposed to stand up. I realized that I had been healed, and at that point, I knew that God had a purpose for my life.


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About the Author
Dr. Randy Clark is the founder and president of Global Awakening. Among other things, he also founded the Christian Healing Certification Program.
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